Timotej Lazar 973522c373 Import friwall role from network ansible scripts
To reuse alpine and nginx roles. Probably going to merge repos at some point.
2024-07-04 15:31:53 +02:00

12 lines
511 B

{% set nodes = query('netbox.netbox.nb_lookup', 'devices', api_filter='role=firewall', raw_data=true)
| selectattr('config_context') | selectattr('config_context', 'contains', 'master')
| selectattr('config_context.master', '==', inventory_hostname)
| map(attribute='name') -%}
{% for node in nodes %}
"{{ hostvars[node] | device_address | selectattr('family.value', '==', 4)
| map(attribute='address') | ipaddr('address') | first }}": -1{{ '' if loop.last else ',' }}
{% endfor %}