# choose a node for tasks that should only run on (any) one node, e.g. when writing to /etc/pve - name: Select the primary node set_fact: is_primary: '{{ nodes is defined and inventory_hostname == (nodes | map(attribute="inventory_hostname") | sort | first) }}' - name: Set hostname hostname: name: '{{ inventory_hostname }}' - name: Set up hosts file template: dest: /etc/hosts src: hosts.j2 - name: Set up resolv.conf template: dest: /etc/resolv.conf src: resolv.conf.j2 mode: 0644 - include_tasks: network.yml - name: Disable enterprise repositories apt_repository: repo: '{{ item }}' state: absent update_cache: no loop: - 'deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve {{ ansible_distribution_release }} pve-enterprise' - 'deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/ceph-quincy {{ ansible_distribution_release }} enterprise' notify: update package cache - name: Enable no-subscription repository apt_repository: repo: 'deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve {{ ansible_distribution_release }} pve-no-subscription' update_cache: no notify: update package cache - meta: flush_handlers - name: Install essential packages package: name: - git - vim - tmux - name: Set up sysctls copy: dest: /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf src: sysctl.conf - name: Set domain for ACME certificate renewals command: cmd: 'pvenode config set --acme domains={{ interfaces | selectattr("name", "==", "lo") | map(attribute="ip_addresses") | flatten | map(attribute="dns_name") | sort | unique | join(";") }}' changed_when: false # maybe write a proper check if certificate requests are ever ansibled - include_tasks: firewall.yml - include_tasks: user.yml