Rework service handling

Allow running playbooks without NetBox access. Mainly to bootstrap
NetBox itself.

Would prefer not to access network from filter plugins, so maybe do
that at some point also.
This commit is contained in:
Timotej Lazar 2024-06-19 13:33:32 +02:00
parent 38c3464279
commit 29598ef4bb
5 changed files with 34 additions and 27 deletions

View file

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ class FilterModule(object):
'''Various utilities for manipulating NetBox data'''
def __init__(self):
self.nb = pynetbox.api(os.getenv('NETBOX_API'), os.getenv('NETBOX_TOKEN'))
if 'NETBOX_API' in os.environ and 'NETBOX_TOKEN' in os.environ:
self.nb = pynetbox.api(os.getenv('NETBOX_API'), os.getenv('NETBOX_TOKEN'))
def filters(self):
return {
@ -37,11 +38,12 @@ class FilterModule(object):
def allowed_prefixes(self, service):
'''Return a list of allowed IP prefixes for the given service'''
service_data =['id']).custom_fields
if service_data['allowed_prefixes']:
yield from self.nb.ipam.prefixes.filter(id=[prefix['id'] for prefix in service_data['allowed_prefixes']])
if service_data['allowed_vlans']:
yield from self.nb.ipam.prefixes.filter(vlan_id=[vlan['id'] for vlan in service_data['allowed_vlans']])
if service_data['allowed_clusters']:
for device in self.nb.dcim.devices.filter(cluster_id=[cluster['id'] for cluster in service_data['allowed_clusters']]):
if 'custom_fields' in service:
service = service['custom_fields']
if prefixes := service.get('allowed_prefixes'):
yield from self.nb.ipam.prefixes.filter(id=[prefix['id'] for prefix in prefixes])
if vlans := service.get('allowed_vlans'):
yield from self.nb.ipam.prefixes.filter(vlan_id=[vlan['id'] for vlan in vlans])
if clusters := service.get('allowed_clusters'):
for device in self.nb.dcim.devices.filter(cluster_id=[cluster['id'] for cluster in clusters]):
yield from self.nb.ipam.ip_addresses.filter(role='loopback',

View file

@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ table inet filter {
{% set prefixes4 = prefixes | selectattr('family.value', '==', 4) | map('string') %}
{% set prefixes6 = prefixes | selectattr('family.value', '==', 6) | map('string') %}
{% set ports = service.ports | compact_numlist %}
{% if 'name' in service %}
# service {{ }}
{% endif %}
{% if prefixes4 or prefixes6 %}
{% if prefixes4 %}
ip saddr { {{ prefixes4 | join(', ') }} } tcp dport { {{ ports }} } accept

View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ table inet filter {
ip saddr @allowed accept # TODO remove exceptions
ip6 saddr @allowed/6 accept # TODO remove exceptions
{% for service in %}
{% for service in cluster_services %}
{% set prefixes = service | allowed_prefixes %}
{% set prefixes4 = prefixes | selectattr('family.value', '==', 4) | map('string') %}
{% set prefixes6 = prefixes | selectattr('family.value', '==', 6) | map('string') %}

View file

@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
# Make expensive lookups to NetBox once for later reference by any host.
- name: Lookup networks and prefixes
vlans: '{{ query("netbox.netbox.nb_lookup", "vlans", api_filter="group=new-net", raw_data=true)
| sort(attribute="vid") }}'
prefixes: '{{ query("netbox.netbox.nb_lookup", "prefixes", raw_data=true)
| sort(attribute="prefix") | sort(attribute="family.value") }}'
- when: lookup("env", "NETBOX_API") != ""
- name: Lookup networks and prefixes
vlans: '{{ query("netbox.netbox.nb_lookup", "vlans", api_filter="group=new-net", raw_data=true)
| sort(attribute="vid") }}'
prefixes: '{{ query("netbox.netbox.nb_lookup", "prefixes", raw_data=true)
| sort(attribute="prefix") | sort(attribute="family.value") }}'
- name: Get my cluster and all nodes in it
cluster: '{{ query("netbox.netbox.nb_lookup", "clusters", raw_data=true, api_filter="name="+cluster) | first }}'
nodes: '{{ groups["cluster_"+cluster] | map("extract", hostvars) | rejectattr("is_virtual") }}'
when: cluster
- when: 'cluster is defined'
- name: Get my cluster and all nodes in it
cluster: '{{ query("netbox.netbox.nb_lookup", "clusters", raw_data=true, api_filter="name="+cluster) | first }}'
nodes: '{{ groups["cluster_"+cluster] | map("extract", hostvars) | rejectattr("is_virtual") }}'
- name: Get my domain names if any
fqdns: '{{ interfaces | map(attribute="ip_addresses") | flatten
| map(attribute="dns_name") | reject("==", "") | sort | unique }}'
- name: Get cluster services
cluster_services: '{{ (cluster_services|default([])) + query("netbox.netbox.nb_lookup", "services", raw_data=true, api_filter="id="+item) }}'
loop: '{{ | map(attribute="id") | map("string") }}'

View file

@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ IN Ping(ACCEPT) -log nolog # don’t be rude
IN SSH(ACCEPT) -i mgmt # for ansible etc.
IN ACCEPT -source {{ nodes | map('device_address') | flatten | selectattr('family.value', '==', 4) | map(attribute='address') | join(',') }} # my cluster
IN ACCEPT -source {{ nodes | map('device_address') | flatten | selectattr('family.value', '==', 6) | map(attribute='address') | join(',') }} # my cluster
{% for service in %}
{% for service in cluster_services %}
{% set prefixes = service | allowed_prefixes %}
{% set prefixes4 = prefixes | selectattr('family.value', '==', 4) | map('string') %}
{% set prefixes6 = prefixes | selectattr('family.value', '==', 6) | map('string') %}
{% set ports = service.ports | compact_numlist(range_delimiter=':') %}
{% if prefixes4 %}
IN ACCEPT -source {{ prefixes4 | join(',') }} -p {{ service.protocol }} -dport {{ ports }} # {{ }}
IN ACCEPT -source {{ prefixes4 | join(',') }} -p {{ service.protocol.value }} -dport {{ ports }} # {{ }}
{% endif %}
{% if prefixes6 %}
IN ACCEPT -source {{ prefixes6 | join(',') }} -p {{ service.protocol }} -dport {{ ports }} # {{ }}
IN ACCEPT -source {{ prefixes6 | join(',') }} -p {{ service.protocol.value }} -dport {{ ports }} # {{ }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}