58 lines
2.1 KiB
58 lines
2.1 KiB
import collections
import os
import re
import ldap3
{% set password = lookup('passwordstore', "cluster/"+cluster, returnall=true) | from_yaml %}
realm = '{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]["sync-ldap"] }}'
ldap_host = '{{ domain }}'
ldap_user = '{{ password.ldap_user }}'
ldap_pass = '{{ password.ldap_pass }}'
ldap_base = '{{ domain | split(".") | map("regex_replace", "^", "dc=") | join(",") }}'
# build LDAP query for users
filters = [
'(objectClass=user)', # only users
'(objectCategory=person)', # that are people
'(schacHomeOrganization=*)', # presumably
'(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))' # with enabled accounts
# run query
server = ldap3.Server(ldap_host, use_ssl=True)
ldap = ldap3.Connection(server, ldap_user, ldap_pass, auto_bind=True)
f'(&{"".join(filters)})', # conjuction (&(…)(…)(…)) of queries
attributes=['userPrincipalName', 'givenName', 'sn', 'mail', 'memberOf'])
# build user and group dicts
all_users = {}
all_groups = collections.defaultdict(set)
for e in ldap.entries:
user = f'{e.userPrincipalName.value}@{realm}'
all_users[user] = { k: e[k].value for k in e.entry_attributes }
for group in e.memberOf:
if m := re.match(r'^CN=([^,]*)', group.replace('\\,', '-')):
group = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_.-]', '-', m[1])
with open('/etc/pve/user.cfg.new', 'w') as f:
# user:{username}@{realm}:1:0:{name}:{surname}:{mail}:AD sync::
for user, info in sorted(all_users.items()):
print(f'user:{user}:1:0:{info["givenName"]}:{info["sn"]}:{info["mail"]}:AD sync::', file=f)
# group:{name}:{users}:AD sync:
print(f'group:ALL:{",".join(sorted(all_users))}:AD sync:', file=f)
for group, users in all_groups.items():
print(f'group:{group}:{",".join(sorted(users))}:AD sync:', file=f)
# keep everything not added by us
for line in open('/etc/pve/user.cfg'):
if not re.match('^(user|group):.*:AD sync:', line):
print(line, end='', file=f)
os.rename('/etc/pve/user.cfg.new', '/etc/pve/user.cfg')