{% for iface in interfaces | iface_real | rejectattr('mgmt_only') | selectattr('enabled') %} auto {{ iface.name }} iface {{ iface.name }} {% if iface.vrf %} vrf {{ iface.vrf.name }} {% endif -%} {# Set allowed VLANs if we are part of the bridge. #} {% if iface.bridge and iface.mode %} {% if iface.mode.value == 'access' and iface.untagged_vlan %} bridge-access {{ iface.untagged_vlan.vid }} {% elif iface.mode.value == 'tagged' and iface.tagged_vlans %} bridge-vids {{ iface.tagged_vlans | map(attribute='vid') | join(' ') }} {% endif %} {% endif %} mtu {{ iface.mtu if iface.mtu else 9216 }} {% for addr in iface.ip_addresses %} address {{ addr.address }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}