from dcim.models import Device, Interface from extras.models import CustomField from extras.scripts import * class CreateMLAGScript(Script): class Meta: name = 'Create MLAG' description = 'Create and configure a new MLAG on paired Cumulus leaf switches' scheduling_enabled = False switch = ObjectVar(model=Device, query_params={'role': 'switch'}, description='One of the peer switches') iface = ObjectVar(label='Interface', model=Interface, query_params={'device_id': '$switch'}, description='Switch interface (same for both switches)') bond_name = StringVar(label='MLAG name', regex='[0-9a-z-]', max_length=15) mode = ChoiceVar(choices=CustomField.objects.get(name='bond_mode').choices, required=False) def run(self, data, commit): switch = data['switch'] iface_name = data['iface'].name bond_name = data['bond_name'] mode = data['mode'] peer_name = switch.local_context_data.get('peer') if not peer_name: raise AbortScript(f'Switch {switch} has no peer defined in local context') for device in (switch, Device.objects.get(name=peer_name)): bridge = device.interfaces.get(name='bridge') iface = device.interfaces.get(name=iface_name) bond_iface, new = Interface.objects.get_or_create(device=device, name=bond_name, type='lag', bridge=bridge) if new: self.log_info(f'created new bond {bond_iface} on {device}') if mode: bond_iface.custom_field_data['bond_mode'] = mode self.log_info(f'setting mode for bond {bond_iface} to {mode}') bond_iface.full_clean() iface.enabled = True iface.lag = bond_iface self.log_info(f'setting {bond_iface} as LAG for interface {iface}') iface.full_clean()