- name: Install R win_chocolatey: name: r.project package_params: /AddToPath - name: Find R directory win_find: paths: C:\Program Files\R patterns: ['R-*'] file_type: directory register: base - name: Add R to path win_path: elements: - "{{ base.files[0].path }}\\bin" - name: Find installed R libraries win_find: paths: "{{ base.files[0].path }}\\library" file_type: directory register: libs - name: Install R packages win_command: Rscript - args: stdin: install.packages(c("{{ item }}"), repos = "http://cran.rstudio.com") when: item not in (libs.files|map(attribute='filename')) loop: - CORElearn - DEoptim - DEoptimR - GenSA - MASS - NMF - RSNNS - Radviz - adabag - aplpack - arules - arulesViz - bnlearn - caret - class - cluster - e1071 - graphics - igraph - ipred - keras - kernlab - kknn - lattice - lpSolveAPI - metaheuristicOpt - neuralnet - nnet - quadprog - randomForest - reshape2 - rpart - rpart.plot - smotefamily - tabuSearch - tidyverse - viridisLite - name: Install RStudio win_chocolatey: ignore_checksums: true # TODO re-enable checksums when they fix the package name: r.studio - name: Create configuration directory win_file: path: "%PROGRAMDATA%\\RStudio" state: directory - name: Disable crash reporting win_copy: dest: "%PROGRAMDATA%\\RStudio\\crash-handler.conf" content: crash-handling-enabled=0 - name: Disable update notifications win_copy: dest: "%PROGRAMDATA%\\RStudio\\rstudio-prefs.json" content: { "check_for_updates": false }